10 Effective Ways to Keep Pets Healthy

10 Effective Ways to Keep Pets Healthy

Jordan Walker loves animals. As the lead content curator of Coops and Cages, and other pet-related websites, he has written several articles about the matter. In this post, he shares the most effective ways in keeping your pets healthy.Photo 1

Raising a pet involves a lot of responsibility from you as the owner. With the happiness and devotedness these creatures bring to the family, it is only just that you give them that same kind of happiness by keeping them safe and healthy all the time.

Dogs and cats, which are the most common home pets, are curious creatures. They can touch anything they see around and eat anything that entice their senses. For that reason, it is very important to pay attention to their needs to keep them safe and healthy all the time.

Providing them a pet-safe home is just one of the major responsibilities you should be aware of right at the moment you decide to have a pet. But other than that, there are other things you have to take into consideration to become a more responsible pet owner. Here are some:

Consider Having a Healthy and Well-balanced Diet.

The health of your pet can be affected by the way you feed and treat them. In fact, a well-balanced diet plan is the key to your pet’s good health condition.

Each pet has its own nutritional needs and it is better to consult the veterinarian before buying any pet food you see at the grocery store. Instead of rewarding them with “people food” or unhealthy table scraps, it is better to give them fresh slices of fruits or vegetables.

Complement Their Food Intake with a Regular Exercise

Pets also need regular exercise in order to keep them mentally alert and active. You can take a walk together with your dog as your early morning routine or buy your indoor cat an exercise toy to keep it moving that will boost its energy and prevent from gaining extra weight.

Visit a Trusted Veterinarian for Vaccination

Seeking the right medical care is also your responsibility as a pet owner to ensure you are providing the optimum health care for your furry pals.

By consulting a trusted veterinarian, you could monitor the weight and health condition of your pet. You will know whether there are any early symptoms of fatal diseases.

Also, your pet needs regular vaccination to safeguard them from harmful diseases, such as rabies, distemper, parvo, and canine hepatitis.


Provide a Safe and Clean Environment

A clean environment is the key in providing long-term health care for your pet. Always remember that germs and parasites usually come from places where they stay most. That is why it is important to keep their home and play area clean and safe from sharp pointed household items that can potentially harm them.


Good Grooming Is of Importance

Just like humans, pets also need good grooming in order to make them look and feel good inside out. Make sure your pet gets the right grooming that it needs, starting from the hair to toenails. Regular grooming could help prevent fleas, ticks, and other possible illnesses that come together.

Pay Attention to Dental Care

Oral health is also an important component when it comes to pet care. Your pet can eat and chew anything, it sees on the floor or ground, which makes them more susceptible to dental threats like gum disease and chronic pain.

Regular brushing or dental cleaning from the vet is the best way to keep your pet’s teeth strong and healthy as they grow.

Spay/Neuter Your Pet

With millions of homeless dogs and cats that are being euthanized each year, spaying or neutering is considered a helpful way to reduce the numbers.

Apart from helping reduce the cases of homeless pets, spaying and neutering also bring health and behavioral benefits to your pets like helping them prevent uterine infections and tumor.

Keep Pets Comfortable Despite the Changing Weather

It is important to keep your pets comfortable during cold or hot season. This way, they can avoid health risks and withstand the varying weather.

Take your pet to cold places during the hot season and avoid leaving them in the car park for long hours. By doing so, heat stroke can be prevented. For the winter season, you can buy them fitted coat for extra protection from the cold temperature and help them avoid colds and runny rose.

Prepare a First Aid Kit

To become fully prepared of any injury or health issues of your pet, it is better to keep a medicinal box or kit for them in your home. Consult your vet on the essential first aid medicine and ointment to include in your kit to ensure you can take care of any possible problem that may arise.

Nourish Your Pet Emotionally

Aside from feeding and giving them the right supplements they need, you should be also able to give your pet a holistic nourishment they need for their mental and emotional development.

Your pet would feel happy and more energetic knowing that he lives in a happy home. But how do you provide the right emotional support that it needs? Simply share bonding activities with your pet, especially during special occasions and give the love and care he deserves. At the end of the day, you’ll see how much he can give you in return.

Image Sources: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]

Author: Jordan Walker

Jordan WalkerJordan is the lead content curator for Coops and Cages as well as a couple of other pet-related blogs. His passion for animals is only paired with his love for “attempting” to play the guitar. If you would like to catch more of him, you can by following his Twitter account: https://twitter.com/JordanWalker82


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